If you are an aspiring founder, chances are you have found yourself in need of inspiration. You may have asked yourself where do I go for inspiration? Or who should I look for inspiration? Well, our answer is to join New Founder School for FREE here OR you can start out with these 20 quotes:

  1. “When in doubt, bootstrap. Using your own personal resources is the easiest way to start a business. You don’t have to convince investors about the merits of your idea. You just have to convince yourself.” – Ryan Holmes
  2. “You have to get good at ceding control and not taking things personally. Even seasoned entrepreneurs have struggled with that. I think it’s about not taking failures personally and also not taking successes personally.” – Leila Janah
  3. “If you can offer a free tier that provides a lot of value, it will naturally help your product to spread much more rapidly.” – Melanie Perkins
  4. “If we tried to think of a good idea, we wouldn’t have been able to think of a good idea. You just have to find the solution for a problem in your own life.” – Brian Chesky
  5. “One of the greatest skills of leadership is being unflappable. Anytime you do anything in the world; there’s going to be criticism.” – Arianna Huffington
  6. “If you tune it so that you have zero chance of failure, you usually also have zero chance of success. The key is to look at ways for when you get to your failure checkpoint, you know to stop.” – Reid Hoffman
  7. “If something is important enough, or you believe something is important enough, even if you are scared, you will keep going.” – Elon Musk
  8. “Most of us want to tell our coworkers or friends, or husbands or wives, our ideas. For what reason? We want validation. But I feel ideas are most vulnerable in their infancy. Out of love and concern, friends and family give all the reasons or objections on why [you] shouldn’t do it. I didn’t want to risk that.” – Sara Blakely
  9. “People don’t buy what you do; they buy why you do it. And what you do simply proves what you believe” Simon Sinek
  10. “Opportunities will come and go, but if you do nothing about them, so will you.” Richie Norton
  11. “The true entrepreneur is a doer, not a dreamer.” Nolan Bushnell
  12. “If there is one lesson I’ve learned from failure and success, it’s this. I am not the outcome. I am never the result. I am only the effort.” Kamal Ravikant
  13. We are our choices. Build yourself a great story. -Jeff Bezos
  14. Get big quietly, so you don’t tip off potential competitors. – Chris Dixon
  15. The only thing worse than starting something and failing… is not starting something. – Seth Godin
  16. Fortunes are built during the down market and collected in the up market.” – Jason Calacanis
  17. Embrace what you don’t know, especially in the beginning, because what you don’t know can become your greatest asset. It ensures that you will absolutely be doing things differently from everybody else. – Sara Blakely
  18. So often people are working hard at the wrong thing. Working on the right thing is probably more important than working hard. – Caterina Fake
  19. Make every detail perfect and limit the number of details to perfect. – Jack Dorsey
  20. “Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do.” –Steve Jobs

We hope that you find inspiration within these 20 quotes. If you are ready to start building your startup, join the next New Founder School Ideathon to get started on your startup idea. The Ideathon is a 2-day workshop where you find a clear startup idea to work on for FREE. If you finish the Ideathon deliverables then you also get a chance to be a part of our 12-week Idea School.


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