At New Founder School we support aspiring founders and Investors step-by step!

Startup School

Are you thinking of a startup idea and don't know where to begin? Are you wondering whether the founder life is for you or not? Then start with the 2 day ideathon where we will take you through entrepreneurship basics and clarity on your idea. If you qualify, you are taken to the next levels of actually building a REAL startup! Click below to learn more about the full FOUNDER journey.

Investor School

Are you curious about angel investors and venture capital? Have you always imagined yourself to become a startup investor but don't know the first step? Are you curious about terms like portfolio management, due diligence and finding the right deals? Then click below and apply for this invite only program where we will teach you ALL and more in 12 weeks!


Questions about the programs?

For questions about the membership, go to the FAQ.

Startup School is right for you if you:

  • You find yourself lost on how to build you startup! 
  • You have a full-time job and can’t find enough time to work on your startup.  
  • You procrastinate building your vision because you worry it will cost too much money
  • You have already started working on an idea but need help to find a product-market fit!
  • You are bored with your college education and want something practical, not just theory!!

Idea School is right for you if:

  • I have so many ideas, how do I find clarity?
  • I have a full-time job, how do I find time to work on my ideas?
  • I don’t have the money, how do I build my big vision?
  • I want to see if the founder life is for me or not!
  • You want someone to believe in your idea and show you how to make it happen.

NOTHING! Both programs are absolutely Free. However, consistency and accountability is required to get continued access to the programs. If you do need 1:1 support, you can reach out to us at for custom programs.

Startup School starts April 2022. Apply here to secure your spot.

Idea School starts February 2022. Apply here to secure your spot.

Our 2-day signature immersive ideathon is on Feb 5th and 6th. Enroll here.

Yes for both courses, you have to apply and go through an interview. We want to make sure you are at the right stage for the programs.

Start your Journey for free!

No matter how much time, you can craft your own learning path at your own pace.  Join our ideathon to take your first steps into entrepreneurship in just 48 hours time!